FullDip Primer Black - 4 Litre Sprayable
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Black Primer used for base coats.
Usually used as a base for dark colours, pearls and the chameleons
Product Info
This will give a matte finish as standard.
FullDip FD650 or use compressor setup 1.8-2.0 tip at 2bar. Compressor ideally a 9cfm minimum and 100l air storage.
Remember on compressors, the higher the PSI, the more you waste as it floats away in the air. Yes it will be smooth, but difficult to peel as most will be on the floor and NOT on your project. So, try to go as low as possible. We find great results vs waste at about 2bar.
Self explanatory, shake and spray.
FullDip cans are 400ml.
FullDip cans do not need warming in summer months, but it’s a good habit to get into with ANY aerosol.
2 light dust coats.
Then at least 2 full wet coats or more if needed to get FULL coverage of the light grey then proceed with colours.
FullDip 4 litre. Ready to go, shake, stir and pour into hopper and start spraying :)
If supplied as a clear and tinter follow below. We recommend ONE tinter per 4 litre, or ONE tinter plus metallic maker added a bit at a time to get desired effect.
2 light dust coats.
Then at least 2 full wet coats or more if needed to get FULL coverage of the light grey then proceed with colours.
Tinters / Drop-Ins
No measuring needed, simply pour the contents of the tinter into the CLEAR FullDip 4 litre.
Make sure shake well and you get ALL the colourant out. Sometimes pigment settles and clumps at the bottom.
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