Full Dip® Top Coats
Top Coat range for Full Dip® that provides GLOSS / MATTE finish and protection. Three variants, one based on Full Dip® MATTE CLEAR (GLOSSIFIER/Gloss Reforcer) and the other two based on Acrylics (Super Brillo and Dip Protector).
Gives a shiny, glossy finish.
Easy to spray
Easy to remove
NOT fuel / chemical resistant.
Designed with DIY / Beginners in mind.
More coats give a better shine.
Super Gloss gives a near OEM type gloss finish.
It is fuel and chemical resistant.
It can be polished with traditional polishes.
We class it as SEMI-Permanent.
It can be removed if needed though.
This is a superior gloss, and is harder to spray for the beginner.
We recommend using a maximum of one whole aerosol of this.
in conjunction of four complete aerosols of colour under it.
Super Matte is the same as the SUPER GLOSS, but a MATTE finish.
It is fuel and chemical resistant.
We class it as SEMI-permanent.
It can be removed if needed though.
This is a superior MATTE top coat and is harder to spray for the
beginner. -
We recommend using a maximum of one whole aerosol of this,
in conjunction of four complete aerosols of colour under it.